Tours on offer at the Incas Paradise Tourism Agency

INCA'S PARADISE TRAVEL AGENCY - PUNO Ofrece tours en Arequipa, Cusco, Puno y Bolivia

What does Inca's Paradise Premium offer you?


We offer reliable services giving greater satisfaction to our customers, we have the support of MINCETUR, PROMPERÚ and especially of our clients who publish their comments on pages like: TripAdvisor, social networks, among others.

Servicio personalizado
Customized Service

Our customized services have been managed to conquer our clients that allows us to establish long-term relationships. INCA'S PARADISE-PREMIUM organizes customized trips for each client (families, seniors, couples, groups of friends), according to their interests, tastes and time; giving you a range of options designed for your best stay.


Most of our clients seek to feel at home, enjoy a home experience so that the expression "at home, nowhere" can feel uncomfortable. And it is therefore essential that the services are endowed with high quality standards.


The safety of our customers is very important; our website has the SSL Certificate to guarantee the security of online payments. Without leaving aside your physical security, INCA'S PARADISE-PREMIUM staff is trained in first aid. We also recommend having travel insurance and medical certificate before your trip.

Turismo responsable
Responsible Tourism

It is one of the main purpose of our company, we give to our clients to chance to practice a "Fair Tourism" with the visited communities, the tourist suppliers and the awareness with the sustainable, environmental and social resources.


Work in tourism is our passion, which allows us to give the best of us, so that you have a fun and enjoyable stay. From the first contact with INCA'S PARADISE - PREMIUM, our staff will be in charge of answering each of your questions and needs; before, during and after your trip.

Our achievements

Certificado de tripadvisor 2017
Certificado de tripadvisor 2018
Certificado de tripadvisor 2019
Certificado de tripadvisor 2020